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早上,麻雀的喳喳声把老婆婆喊醒,老婆婆起床后打了满满一篮枣子离开了家。不一会,天气转阴刮起风下起雨来,雨停时,地上落满了枣子。刚刚经历过风雨的刺猬看到枣子,兴奋地打滚用刺扎了一身,准备背回家。  路上,刺猬碰到麻雀,当被问身上的枣子哪里来的时,刺猬说从地上捡的,不想麻雀摇摇头,说地上不长枣子,枣子是老婆婆的。为了不让其它的小动物捡走老婆婆的枣子,惭愧的刺猬心生一计,它要和麻雀帮老婆婆把地上的枣子捡到屋里去。
因为一次意外,家里蹲玩家少女优奈被自称神明之手送到异世界。要说在她身上发生了什么——  多亏通过最强道具熊熊获得的超级熊熊力量和超级熊熊魔法、现代世界的知识、值得信赖的搭档菲娜,以及在异世界程度上无法动摇的熊熊精神,她完全熟悉了这里!优奈和在异世界交到的朋友一起玩,吃好吃的东西,做好吃的东西,在床上滚来滚去,偶尔展开冒险,过着自由自在的时光。但是,不能只是游手好闲。朋友的危机、魔物的袭击、坏人们的企图等,各种各样的麻烦始终围绕在优奈身边。“好了,出发了,熊缓,熊急!”“咕!”“必杀!熊熊铁拳!”既然如此,就全部汇总起来交给优奈吧!用必杀拳来收拾掉他们,享受异世界生活吧!
柏林电影节特别展映  21-year-old Cioma Schönhaus won't let anyone take away his zest for life, especially not the Nazis. He wants to discover life, but has the misfortune of living as a Jewish person in Berlin in the 1940s. Since the best hiding spots are in plain sight, Cioma decides to go out into the light to escape deportation. Using the identity of a marine officer he created for himself, he throws himself into the city's nightlife and even finds a fragile hope for love during the darkest moments of the war. Throughout the day he forges IDs with just a brush, some ink and a steady hand - and saves the lives of many others. His talent puts him in more and more danger, though, and at some point Cioma's only hope to survive is a last forged ID - with his own name on it.


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